My name is Winnie Beuchert Larsen, I am 53 years old, and have had a pointing dog and gone hunting since I was 16 years old. I go on all kinds of hunting, but my favorite hunting is hunting with my dogs, my husband and our two sons. Our dogs are primarily hunting dogs, but we also want our dogs to be healthy and Beautiful dogs that are a pleasure to look at in everyday life. I started with Kleiner Münsterländer and in 1992, my husband and I got our first brittany and we started going to tests with our dogs.

In all the years brittany has been our primary breed, but 4 years ago, we got Nova our first English Pointer, who in 2021 became 1 UKK in the Danish Pointer Club. Dogs are a large and important part of our lives, and in 1998 I became a member of the Danish Breton Club’s breeding council, where I sat for 21 years.

15 years ago I started my career as an exterior judge, first with Breton, then with Pointer, English, Gordon and Irish setter, and 4 years ago I trained further, where both I and my husband were trained as retriever judges.